What does your future look like?

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Have you ever wondered whether or not your life would work out fine? Ever wondered what was going to happen to you? Will you be happy? Then this is the quiz for you.

This will tell you what your future looks like. Not the job you will have, or the house you will live in, but how bright your future will be, and what it will take for you to get there. I hope you enjoy!

Created by: Alexsys S.
  1. Do you feel happy where you are now?
  2. Are you currently in a relationship?
  3. Do you have a dream?
  4. Do you think that you can achieve your dream?
  5. Close your eyes. Can you see a color?
  6. What color do you see first?
  7. How does this color make you feel?
  8. Do you believe in the accuracy of the result you will get from this quiz?
  9. How old are you?
  10. Which word is closest to how you feel after taking this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What does my future look like?
