What does my ORIGINAL character Alpha think of you?! :P

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Me/K: HELLO, EVERYONE AND WELCOME BACK!!! I am here with another ORIGINAL character, his name is Alpha! He is a wolf boy, has the power of illusion and invisibility, and has different sides!

mrnjbgthrfnedmwkdnebufyrvfeudnwinubeyryenuwm! Me/K: WAIT, WHO IS SPAMMING THE DESCRIPTION?! Alpha: Oh, me, I was making sure it still works! Me/K: Um...ok, anyway, let's get started!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: HELLO, now, to get this quiz started, let's call my fave WOLF BOY.....ALPHA!!! Alpha: *Jumps onto couch* Heya, K, (Y/N)! I brought chocolate if ya want any! Me/K: *takes chocolate* Mmm...taste so GOOD! Alpha: Made it myself, want any (Y/N)?
  2. Me/K: Ok, so, what COLLAR do you like? Alpha: Reminds me of my collar! Me/K: Your collar is cute-uh I mean...dogs are cute....um.... Alpha: *laughs* Good save! And thanks!
  3. Alpha: Which one?
  4. Alpha: Tell me your hobbies!
  5. Me/K: Do you like pranks? Alpha: OH YEAH, PRANKS ARE FUN!!!
  6. Me/K: You have a crush and your gonna confess, but how...?
  7. Alpha: Which one?
  8. Alpha: Do you like Stray Kids and BTS?
  9. Me/K: Do you like stupid things and humor?
  10. Me/K: Do you like Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy?
  11. Alpha: People describe you as....
  12. Alpha: Ok, this is an important question....you ready for it? Me/K: I'm scared... (NO EFFECT)
  13. Alpha: Ok, the important question is......do you find me handsome? Me/K: WHAT?! THAT'S IT?! Alpha: Well, yeah, you know I'm handsome! Me/K: *blushes* No comment....
  14. Me/K: When you babysit kids, you....
  15. Alpha: Do you find the fact that I'm a wolf boy, my power is illusions and invisibility, and I have different sides?
  16. Me/K: Sorry, but we have to end this quiz, but it was FUN!!! Alpha: YEAH IT WAS!!! Me/K: *laughs* But we have to say "Goodbye" now! Alpha: Alright, well, bye (Y/N), bye K *hugs Me/K and leaves* Me/K: He is SO nice...
  17. Me/K: What do ya want to be to him? (NO EFFECT)
  18. Talking: I like to call this little number "Striped Sweater"Singing: The best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time. One with a collar. Turtle neck. That's the kind. Cause when you're wearing that one special sweater! - Spongebob

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