what does alya cesire think of u

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yais jaska jadha aisdh aisjai ksahj ajis askao oasj jasi aishh a is aia ias jais kala jas nxs asi ey ai amaaa jsakhs hahsiaua uahsihjha jsk jahs asjka jkajmk

asjkdjka, kniakshna kahsj aka naha fhdsk aksh asu ashj ahudu aksj ahsha skaj hsaj ujanjax jsa jsa oasj aishh aja is nxs yais ja kala hau jkamk ha dija

Created by: Lakaua
  1. uia ajsk dha ah?
  2. dau hasu yaapa Alya taua ca
  3. sua bahaana ratasha ia?
  4. opau shyha hsja uiu UwU
  5. yais naki osh Alya
  6. yaiauasusja aosuao
  7. ioala jhauja!
  8. yaisa ioa!
  9. cajsk tausha!
  10. yaosa! yasinausj hsuaash joasia!!
  11. yai!

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