what do your friends think of you

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have you ever wondered what your friends think of you well now you can find out! althoug some questions seem pointless they all add up. so awnser carefully

Are You freindly? are you not this test will tell you. hold on tight and prepare for a wild ride as you enter a world of questions that will ne hearty awnsers

Created by: mari
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how are you feeling today?
  2. do you smile wheen you get to school/work
  3. what do you first when you get to school/work
  4. if someone hurts you what do you do?
  5. do you like this quiz
  6. do you ever touch anyone
  7. questtion nine
  8. what do you do when you trip
  9. you see someone crying, you...
  10. its the end (awnser this carefully)

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Quiz topic: What do my friends think of you