What Do you know About Rabbits?

BUNNYS I know, Im overly obbssesed with Bunnys, But that's beacauseI Have one! And he so Cute! Bunnys, Are just so cute. I have one. So I know. And he is the most CUTEST OF THE CUTE!

I LOVE BUNNYS! Bunnys are just so cute, and moody, and cute, smart, cute and Cuddly, and Cute. Did I meantoin....CUTE?! Bunnys! Bunnys Bunnys!Bunnys! Bunnys Bunnys!Bunnys! Bunnys Bunnys!Bunnys! Bunnys Bunnys!Bunnys! Bunnys Bunnys!

Created by: BunnyBlazer23
  1. Do Rabbits Make Noise?
  2. How do Rabbits Mark there Territory?
  3. Can Rabbits Die of Fear?
  4. This is Compleatly Random but, What Sound Does A Bell Make?
  5. How Much Babys Can A Mother Rabbit Have?
  6. Can Rabbits Fart?
  7. Do you Believe Rabbits are Smart?
  8. How do Rabbits say, Leave me alone?
  9. Unscramble this word, arbitb
  10. Can A Rabbit hear a Flys Buzzing?
  11. LAST QUESTION! Can A rabbit Smell From 2 inches away?

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Quiz topic: What do I know About Rabbits?