What do YOU know about Fireheart

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Greetings, fellow Warrior fans! I also LOVE the warrior cat books. 🤩 And if you like them as much as i do, then you should test your knowledge by taking this quiz on Fireheart! Good luck and i hope you'll enjoy it!

There is only one rule... enjoy! (oh, and P.S. take my quiz about Graystripe also if you listened to the only rule!) Yeah make sure to listen to that rule. Its very important!!!

Created by: WarriorCatLover101
  1. What was Fireheart's name as a kit?
  2. what is Fireheart's eye color
  3. what is Fireheart's FUR color?
  4. In which book did Fireheart get in a tussle with Dustpelt?
  5. Which series did Fireheart become leader?
  6. Fireheart's (Firepaw at the time) first deputy was who?
  7. Does Fireheart die in the first series?
  8. How does Fireheart meet Thunderclan cats?
  9. And finally, who has been Fireheart's bestie ever sense he was a clan cat?
  10. *BONUS QUESTION* Bluestar sadly dies in which series?

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Quiz topic: What do I know about Fireheart
