What do I think of you?

Hey! So, no one will probably find this, but I’m bored. You also probably think, “Why would I care about some stranger on the internet’s opinion?” Well, my answer is, you don’t. It’s just fun.

Nccsjb dhbvwrnbvfrskhkhbvfrkhrbvtwkhbvwtrhkwrtvbkhtrvwbfhkvbwrtvkhbrwfvjhrwfbvjhfvbrjwfhvbfwrvjhbwrfvhjbefwvjhewfbvhjwefvbwehjfvbwfevjhbwefvjhfvbewfjvhbvfhejbfvh

Created by: Joe mama
  1. Would you chuck the deuce?
  2. Who’s got Smokey on er’ tail?
  3. Is gay okay
  4. What is spongebob?
  5. How are horror movies?
  6. How do you feel on this?
  7. Your thoughts on GA’s
  8. What’s better? Xbox or PlayStation?
  9. Which is your identity?
  10. Any last words?

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