What Dessert are you?

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This is a quiz that will tell you what dessert you are from delightful banana split or a simple bread-and-butter pudding whatever you are I’m sure it will be amazing and delicious

Now let’s start this quiz it’s gonna be great have a great quizzing experience thing you know because quizzes are great everybody loves quizzes so let’s get stuck in

Created by: Cheesebagelshark
  1. Choose a colour.
  2. Do you like cheese?
  3. Choose a movie.
  4. What season do you prefer.
  5. Pick a fruit
  6. How old are you?
  7. Hasquinshapl
  8. Do you like desserts?
  9. A random question
  10. Was this a good quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Dessert am I?
