what deadspace character are you?'

are you wondering what deadspace character you are? well take the quiz and see who you are see what you are able to do and what you survived or just go back for more

see if your good or evil or in between we shall see after this quiz you take to see what person you really are to become in your life or want to become

Created by: taylor

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you were in a room filled with 20 necromorph what would you do?
  2. you run into a survivor what would you do?
  3. you have found out your girlfriend/boyfriend has died but is huanting you and driving you insane what would you do
  4. you found the marker that has cuased all the trouble what would you do to it?
  5. you have found a distress call coming from a ship what would you do
  6. you crash land on a ship and have 48 hours to get out what would you do?
  7. your slowly going insane what would you do?
  8. you wake up in a sraighjacket what shall you do?
  9. what best discribes you?
  10. you've ended it all what will you do the rest of your life

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Quiz topic: What deadspace character am I?'