What dance mom dancer are you?

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Well I love dancemoms and it's so fun to make one!! If you love dancemoms and the dancers then your guaranteed to do my quiz. I hope you enjoy it!! Go dancemoms!

If you love dancemoms then please take my quiz I made it because of instagram inspired me I forgot her username but it's a dancemoms fanpage I love her!

Created by: Brooke
  1. What type of dance do you like?
  2. What would your costume will be?
  3. What will you do if dance wasn't invented?
  4. What do you think of Miss Abby
  5. Why do you love dance?
  6. What 6 dancers do you like the most?
  7. What's your favorite group dance
  8. What's your favorite group
  9. Who's your favorite mom
  10. Who participated in Drop dead diva?

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Quiz topic: What dance mom dancer am I?