What Color M&M are you?

Everybody likes M&Ms, but you've probobly always wondered, What color am I? But no more! Now with this technology we have today, we can find out! Yippe!

Wat color are you? Are you evil red, clumsy orange, girly-girl green. Find out with this easy-to-use quiz! Just click the dot you think most corrosponds to you!

Created by: pikmindude259
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have dreams of conquering the world?
  2. How many times do you slip up a day?
  3. Are you a scardy-cat
  4. Do you think you are cool?
  5. Are you a girl?
  6. Are you selfish?
  7. Are you 100% caring?
  8. Are you mostly caring?
  9. Is it 50-50?
  10. Do you like chocolate?

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Quiz topic: What Color M&M am I?