What Color Are You?

Each color represents something; a person, place, word, feeling, animal, etc. But which one are you? Take this quiz and find out!!! The second paragraph has some codes for roblox games!!!!!!!

(2022) ROBLOX CODES:Starving artists: hallowart/starvingartists/colors300/brush250Banana Eats: SPAREDOUBLOONS/BOO/HAPPYBIRTHDAY/SUMMER/400MILLION/NEWMAP/PINKupdate 6th January every year until 2029!!

Created by: BBear
  1. What do you prefer?
  2. Pick a food
  3. Pick weather:
  4. pick a music genre
  5. pick a 'Series Of Unfortunate Events' quote
  6. who is your hero?
  7. who would most likely kiddnap you?
  8. what is your sign?
  9. would you rather?
  10. would you rather?

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Quiz topic: What Color am I?
