What Codysly Sidekick Are You?

What codysly sidekick are you? You could be... one out of six possible results!

Squeak, tiki, eaky, nepu, applebot, max map. Take this quiz to find out!!!

Created by: codysly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which one of these do you wish to be?
  2. Do you like cats or mice more?
  3. What's your favorite drink?
  4. Do you have a pet?
  5. Do you eat off the floor or out of the trash?
  6. Would you rather be big or small?
  7. What's your favorite food out of these?
  8. Are you good with machines?
  9. Your friends describe you as...
  10. Did you take my other quiz called "what Codysly character are you?"

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Quiz topic: What Codysly Sidekick am I?