What Classic Book are you?

There are seven books/series that you can be. Theres Keeper of the lost cities, Harry Potter, the chronicles of Narnia, the lord of the rings, little woman, Nancy drew and Tom Sawyer.

Please be truthful and don't be mad if you don't get one that you want. Sorry if I sound cheesy, I'm just trying to get more letters, cause I clearly don't have enough. oh, now I do.

Created by: MagD the Awesome
  1. Some one invites you to play a prank, what do you do?
  2. You see someone bullying you friend what do you do?
  3. What's your favorite Candy?
  4. Have you ever taken apart a pen?
  5. What's your dream vacation?
  6. What's your favorite kind of book?
  7. What's your least favorite desert?
  8. choose one:
  9. favorite season
  10. would you rather:

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Quiz topic: What Classic Book am I?
