What clan in warriors are you in?

This quiz will tell you what warrior cat clan you are truely in. Erin Hunter is the writer of these books. The quiz is a fun way to find out what clan you are truely in.

This quiz is for fun, so it is not a test on wits at all. If you have any questions about warrior, go to Warriorcats. It is a sight for anyone. I HOPE YOU ENJOY!

Created by: Sammy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What prey do you like?
  2. What do you like to do?
  3. What would you rather be?
  4. Would you rather...
  5. (Avatar: Last Airbender Refrence)What is youe element?
  6. If you got a bad name like MouseBrain What woud you do?
  7. You face another clan on your territory. What do you do?
  8. Your caught on another clan's teritory. What do you do?
  9. If you could pick, what would your warrior name be?
  10. (Will not affect your score) Pick one

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Quiz topic: What clan in warriors am I in?