What charecter from my story are you?

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If you're guy you might get "none" ......................................................................................................................................................................................

Created by: lotheranzombie of mmm.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Goth, prep, emo, or normal
  2. What type of music/artists do you like?
  3. Favorite animals?
  4. Your freinds
  5. RP: some random guy who was kind of cute blew up some desks, one of them was yours, he apalogises only to you and says he only mento to blow up Pin's (pin is his worst enemy) how do you react?
  6. Fav foods??????????????
  7. You like wearing
  8. Your very angry and sad, you
  9. Your favorite elment is
  10. Your favorite elment is
  11. you would descibe youself as
  12. If you had any super power it would be
  13. are you nice?
  14. do you copy people to be popular
  15. religion?

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Quiz topic: What charecter from my story am I?