What character from "Warriors" by Erin Hunter

There are many characters in this series, can you figure out which suits you best? Try and answer truthfully or even try to rig it. Take this quiz and find out now!

Are you the character you originally thought? Are you someone else? Now you know which you relate to the most. Spread the so others can take this quiz too!

Created by: Wolfrho
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Someone is sick and asks for your help, what do you do?
  2. You are a___?
  3. Your favorite color is___?
  4. If you were a cat, your best feature would be ___?
  5. If you had to work from the bottom up, how would you go about it.
  6. Which of the following do you like best?
  7. Are you ___?
  8. Good or Evil?
  9. When you were young did you want to ___?
  10. Which do you agree with most?

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