What chaos god would you follow

Se what chaos god you are most likely to worship. The deity's of the warp are eager for followers. They would happily accept another into the fold. But witch god is right for you.

Every question will match your personality to a patron deity's lifestyle and blessings. What deity are you most likely to agree with, and what blessings would fit you the most

Created by: simon
  1. You have a family and also a promising career. How do you allocate your time between the two.
  2. One of your coworkers have been making snide comments about you.
  3. A war starts and the government starts mass recruitment. But news are that your side is already suffering terrible casualty's. Do you sign up?
  4. you win the lottery and in addition to the cash price you get a invite to appear on a talk show. Undoubtedly they will ask what you will spend the money on. Do you accept the invite?
  5. Your friend starts a fist fight for some reason that you didn't hear. What do you do?
  6. You buy a dog but witch one.
  7. You accidentally discover that a college has committed rape against someone you don't know. How do you respond.
  8. What kind of clothes do you buy.
  9. What is your favorite place to eat out?
  10. What drink do you drink the most of
  11. Whats your opinion of your current income
  12. You were in a helicopter ride over the amazonas. The helicopter crashed and only you made it. Your stuck in the jungle with nothing more than a knife. What do you do?
  13. Some girl scouts are selling cookies.
  14. The economy is doing poorly what do you think is the most likely thing for you to do?

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