What cat character that I made up are you?

This is a quiz asking about which character that I have made up are you? If you take the quiz you’re very very very cool been. And you’re also very epic

I don’t know this thing is forcing me to fill out two paragraphs so high I am very cool. Wow, aren’t I amazing yes. I don’t know what else to say help

Created by: Egeggegege
  1. What gender are you?
  2. What gender are you attracted to?
  3. What colour eyes do you have?
  4. What’s your favourite thing to do?
  5. What is your personality like?
  6. What is your favourite drink?
  7. Do you have cats?
  8. Do you lie a lot?
  9. Do you have a lot of friends?
  10. Are you subscribe to Dinko binko?

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Quiz topic: What cat character that I made up am I?
