What Breed of Horse Are You? 2012

What breed of horse are you? A docile draft or a fiery Arabian? Take this quiz and find out what your inner horse says about you! Take this quiz! Have fun!

Horses come in many different shapes, personalities and sizes. Which one is most like you? Find out and take this quiz. Even if your not into horses, it's something fun to do!

Created by: ifihadadoggg1
  1. Pretend you are a horse. Your rider asks you to go over a jump. But you've never jumped before. You...
  2. An inexperienced rider is on you. They are pulling on your mouth for no reason, urging you forward, and being just plain annoying. You...
  3. Now the trainer gets on you. You...
  4. In the pasture, you...
  5. What's your personality?
  6. Your owner buys another horse. They're new, so you...
  7. The horses in your pasture have been getting loose lately, and when one of them finds a way out, you...
  8. When people see everyone's out,you...
  9. Your best friend from the pasture is hanging out with your enemy, what do you do?
  10. This is my first quiz, how was it?

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Quiz topic: What Breed of Horse am I? 2012