What beatles song are you??

no chickens are dumb, all are smart,exept the only are dumbo's because people like YOU touch them! you feed them! so they touch and eat your horrid dumbness off of the stpid food you touch!idiots rule planet idiot!which is bad.

so, you think your a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? NO! you are a dumbo like in paragraph 1!ha!no smart peeps here..exept for me! if your so smart then whats the 34th route to the 9th power of 123?find that out!please post back on here and i may regret it

Created by: john lennon
  1. you are going to a hotel!what will you do?
  2. what song do you think you are? (careful, i trick people!!)
  3. what Beatle do you think you are?
  4. what hand do you write with?
  5. whats your favirote gem?
  6. what your favirote letter?
  7. pick one!
  8. what are you?
  9. what out of these do you like to hear?
  10. last question, whats a good picture?

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Quiz topic: What beatles song am I??