What Baseball Player Are You?

Many people like baseball. It is america's national pass time and there are many young, talented players out there. Than there are some people who don't enjoy the game..

Are YOU a good baseball player. Do you think you have what it takes to be one of the greats, or one of the fakes. Take this quiz to find out which professional baseball player you are

Created by: Evan Jaenichen

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you consider yourself good at baseball?
  2. Is baseball your favorite sport?
  3. Do you know most players in the MLB?
  4. What position do you prefer?
  5. Are you good at your position?
  6. What is your favorite team?
  7. Who is your favorite player?
  8. Do you play in an organized league?
  9. You are playing left field. Their is a runner on third with your team up 2-1 with 1 out. The batter is faced with an 0-2 count and he hits a foul ball toward you. What do you do?
  10. Ran out of questions

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Quiz topic: What Baseball Player am I?