what band member are you most like?

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who are you mostly related to in the bandom world? wouldnt you like to know.. well now you can! take the quiz to find out who resembles you the most!!

reblog, and share with your friends and test eachother on who you think you are in the bandom world! i love you and i love the emo trinity! i hope you do too!

Created by: audreapanics
  1. if you were to wear a hat you would wear a...
  2. your group of friends consists of..
  3. you often wear the color..
  4. one word that describes you is..
  5. your favorite animal is..
  6. are you ..
  7. are you a..
  8. you would rather see
  9. if you had a free friday night you would..
  10. who is your favorite person?

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Quiz topic: What band member am I most like?