What Animal Represents You The Best?

Are you proud and strong like a Lion? Or fun and clever like a dolphin? Perhaps a cute little bunny. This quiz will determine which animal fits your personality most.

From eagle to bunny, from lion to dolphin, the animal kingdom is a wonderful and mysterious thing.Hope you enjoy this quiz and get what you want! -Lioness

Created by: Leonetti
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would you rather spend your weekend?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. Pick a card, any card!
  4. Day or night?
  5. Choose a number!
  6. Which food appeals the most?
  7. Earth, fire, water, or air?
  8. Which scent entices you most?
  9. You would rather die than...
  10. You hate being...
  11. You in three words...
  12. Which Harry Potter house? (optional)
  13. From one to ten- Are you smart?
  14. Popular or geeky?
  15. You choose the path to...
  16. Logic v.s. Magic

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