What animal are you?

Discover your inner animal! Find out the truth of what you would be if you were born an animal instead. This quiz should be accurate and I apologise if you finish this quiz and is not satisfied.

There are four animals that you could be in this quiz. You could be a mixture, however"”if you think that is the problem then listen to your heart and instinct.

Created by: 008807
  1. What is your personality?
  2. How many friends do you have?
  3. What is your favourite colour?
  4. What is your hobby?
  5. What is your favourite animal(s)?
  6. There are four paths you can take. There is a beautiful mysterious twisting forest trail, one that leads to a welcoming sunny beach and sea, a brick road that leads to an abandoned city, and a grassy meadow with bright sunshine, flowers and rabbits hopping. Which path will you take?
  7. What type of games do you like?
  8. All of the other questions are really STUPID ones, just answer this one please... Okay, just kidding! What did you think about the text above?
  9. You have gone back in time and landed in a foreign land. A figure in a dark hooded cloak is pointing at four weapons and naming them. 'Sword. Longbow and arrows. Club. Stealth and invisibility potion.' Which will you choose?
  10. What quality do you most value most?
  11. Last Question... Which animal do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?