what animal are you?

They are many animals in the world bur you cold only be one. An animal can be rough or nice. For instance, a house cat is call and nice but a lion is rough and and dangerous.

Which animal are you. If you don't like your results then try the quiz again, and see if your result is better. If it isn't than that's just what you are if it is congrats.

Created by: Marie Milton
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What food do you like to eat most.
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. If you had the choice which would you like to live in? The wilderness or inside?
  4. Dawn or dusk?
  5. Which do you like to do best
  6. Which would you like to play?
  7. Are you nice?
  8. What animal would you want to be?
  9. How would you you rate this quiz?
  10. How was this quiz? Was it ....

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?