What animal are you?

I luv anamils and now I know mine ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰🐻🐼🐨🐯🦁🐮🐷🐽🐸🐙🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒🐔🐧🐦🐤🐣🐥🐺🐗🐴🦄🐝🐛🐌🐞🐜🕷🦂🦀🐍🐢🐠🐟🐡🐬🐳🐋🐊🐆🐅🐃🐂🐄🐪🐫🐘🐐🐏🐑🐎🐖🐀🐁🐓🦃🕊🐕🐩🐈🐇🐿🐾🐉🐲

Take the test 🐲🐉🐾🐿🐇🐈🐩🐕🕊🦃🐓🐁🐀🐖🐎🐑🐏🐐🐘🐫🐪🐄🐂🐃🐅🐆🐊🐋🐳🐬🐡🐟🐠🐢🐍🦀🦂🕷🐜🐞🐌🐛🐝🦄🐴🐗🐺🐥🐣🐤🐦🐧🐔🐒🙊🙉🙈🐵🐙🐸🐽🐷🐮🦁🐯🐨🐼🐻🐰🐹🐭🐱🐶

Created by: Guinevere bishop

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How like able are you?
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  7. Are you cunning
  8. A dude comes up and say "follow"
  9. Leave a good rating
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Quiz topic: What animal am I?