What animal are you

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I think you are board and just wanted to take the quiz so just take it I wonder what animal you will be i have no discrition so now I'm just going to put random words

Fidel f--- for ckck fly vkfkv vkfkv vkfkv vkfkv vkfkv vkfkv vkfkv led God b lab different sig fish visit dka gosh ska boxing sky mg Kiki signs mg dkgk

Created by: Patty
  1. Okay question one witch wild life do you like
  2. What's your fave color
  3. What are you
  4. What color eyes do you have
  5. Are you daring or more cautious
  6. Are people sometimes afraid of you
  7. Ran out of questions hope you enjoyed ( the rest won't effect what you are)
  8. Bye now
  9. Hi
  10. Okay now it is official bye

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Quiz topic: What animal am I