What animal are you?

Thank you for taking the animal personality quiz. The quiz that will test your human personality and connect it to some of your favorite animals out there.

There are many different personalities out there. You could have the loyalty of a dog or pride of a lion. So if you have ever wanted to know what animal you would be, with this great quiz, you will find out in just a few great minutes.

Created by: Sam
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which of the following statements best describes you?
  2. People would most likely describe me as...
  3. When arriving at a party or get together, you would most likely...
  4. when walking alone, you usually....
  5. I am most easily....
  6. If I was given a lot of work, i would most likely...
  7. My favorite colors are...
  8. I will most likely spend my free time...
  9. Your Ideal scenery consists of...
  10. Home is...

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?