What Amal Unbound character are you?

This quiz is going to determine what character you are in the book Amal Unbound. You will be asked different questions and based on your answers you will get a result.

I hope you enjoy this quiz and please don't get mad at the character that you get; this is just based off the questions and answers that you entered in the quiz

Created by: hi
  1. How do you think people see you as?
  2. What would you rather save?
  3. Do you think you are Generous?
  4. What make you happy?
  5. Do you act different at school rather than at home?
  6. Do you like school?
  7. Are you shy?
  8. Do you and your friends all have similar personalities?
  9. Do you consider yourself as popular
  10. What characteristic do other people have that annoys you?

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Quiz topic: What Amal Unbound character am I?
