Were We Meant 2 Be? (grls only)

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twinkle twinkle lil star i wonder how your? up in the sky up so high like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle lil star i wonder how you are? i thynk thats how it goes

Thier are alot of perfect girls 360 around but the question is are you that one perfect girl for me?well your sooner or later your gunna find out? lol

Created by: VlEx
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. What do you like to do?
  3. Ima be honest im a bit embarrasing when i want to be but everyone likes me, would you?
  4. Are you a fighter or lover?
  5. What do you listen to?
  6. Were Walking down the street and you see a lil kid crying on the floor you?
  7. You come late to a party and you see me about to fight, You?
  8. Would the color of someones skin stop you from likeing them?
  9. If I wanted to hold you tight Would you?
  10. Have you ever cheated on anyone b4?

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