Welcome to my quiz!

A quiz about me...and what you have gleaned from my Hearthkeeper life!!This is supposed to be at least 100 characters..so if I keep typing it should be in a bit...DOn't you think so???

This is also supposed to be like a lot of characters(you know the amount of words I write..)..and since I do not want to tell you anything more about me I guess I have to just stick something in this block..I was great for my teachers in school..don't you think???

Created by: Becky
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my middle name?
  2. How many boys vs. girls do I have?
  3. When did my hubby leave for Iraq?
  4. Who told me about Hearthkeepers after T-2 shut down?
  5. What is my favorite flower?
  6. What is just about my favorite food?
  7. Where did we live before here?
  8. What does my hubby do in the military?
  9. Who do I not know personally from HK?
  10. Whom did we NOT stay with or SEE on the way to Texas?

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