warriorcats love story part 1 ( GIRLS ONLY)!!!

hey guys its silverleaf here and in this quiz you will have to choose between four toms ashfur,sunfur,brambleclaw,and fireclaw i personly like ash fur but it up to you

THIS IS FOR GIRLS ONLY SO PLEAS NO BOY if one of you boys are here i will hunt you down and haunt your dreams and if i haunt your dreams it wont be good

Created by: silverleaf
  1. you just became a warrior and your name is silverleaf when the meeting was done a tom came up to you. He was a gray tom with darker grey flecks and blue eyes"hey congrats on becoming a warrior,i'm ashfur" the grey tom said
  2. your kithood friends brambleclaw,sunfur,and fireclaw come up and congrats you after ashfur leaves. brambleclaw glares at him
  3. and then...
  4. THEY..
  5. CLIFFHANGER...JK after they leave you go hunt in the forest(what do you hunt for)
  6. as you go hunting the bush beside you moves.as you move closer a rogue pops out he pins you to the ground he drags you to a cave and still has you pinned "im bloodmoon and i've seen you around and i just had to meet you for your beauty" he said he leaned in to kiss you
  7. (if you chose kiss him back done answer the next question) you kissed him back and you heard a yell outside "SILVERLEAF WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" it was ashfur he ran in and clawed the rogues face
  8. (if you choose not to kiss him answer this question)you get up and run to brambleclaw fireclaw runs and fights the rogue,the rest of you follow him sunfur clawed the rogues neck and he fell to the ground as sunfur walks back to you and presses his neck on you shoulder and purrs
  9. a white she-cat came running as you guys walked out of the cave "whitepaw whats wrong" fireclaw asked "i-t's pinestar he he's dead"
  10. and..CLIFFHANGER

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