Warrior Cats Quiz: life story- Long results ( onlys shes )

Okay so you basically will just be answering the questions and stuff ( also plz dont be rude in the comments if you dont like my quiz, BUT i would appreciate it if you put a comment on my quiz )

Stuff to know:soooooo this is my first quiz so sry if its super bad but yeah... anyway u can only be a she in this quiz ( sry ) and only like a u cant be a apprentice or kit ( sry again )

Created by: Lizzie
  1. Question 1: WHAT is your personality
  2. NOW.... how many Kits r u gonna have??????
  3. So what clan are you gonna be in?????
  4. Rank???
  5. Do u want a Mate???
  6. Hunting or Fighting?
  7. which emoji represts the moos of ur cat? ( yes this counts )
  8. Umm how u doing ( no effect )
  9. food?
  10. rate this quiz?

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