Warrior cats OC maker!

Are you having trouble making an warriors oc? Well that is a problem I regularly come across! :,) I made this quiz with some basic tools to help you make an oc or add to a previous oc!

I’ll probably make a wings of Fire one or a how to train your dragon one after this (maybe keeper of the lost city’s?) have fun and I hope this helps!

Created by: LunaTheLightFury
  1. Beginning paragraphs please
  2. Alr so, the first thing you might want to do is figure out what the oc looks like and/or what gender it identifies as. So select the option below that you think your oc’s gender should be.
  3. Next what it looks like! :D. A few simple templates are listed below, feel free to mix and match until you find something you like: Silver tabby. Pure black. White and grey tabby. White and black cat. Golden tabby. Pure gold/yellow. Pure white. Pure grey. Orange tabby. Grey tabby. Marble greyscale. Brown tabby. Black tabby. Brown with darker flecks. Silver and white… mix’n match until you find something you like! Scroll to the next thing if you got what you want. (Other fur colours may include russet, blue-grey, tawny, all of the grey scale, tortishell, calico…)
  4. Next is…. EYE COLOUR! (Keep in mind that in the warriors world cats can (?somehow?) have purple eyes) so, here are legal warrior cat eye colour ideas if you’d like to have help with this, you can easily edit a colour to your liking if you need, ex: green to pale green) so anyway-: green, blue, purple(?), gold, yellow, amber, orange, brown, indigo, blind, hazel, copper, dichroic eyes (two colours in one single eye), heterochromia (one eye is a different colour than the other) pass on when your done.
  5. Tail type.
  6. Ears.
  7. Ok, ok, I know you want the name for your oc (unless you have it already) but we have two quick last things before that, and that is personality, you need to know both what your cat looks like and how it acts AND what has happened to it/it’s background before naming it. (I know I know it’s a long list but bare with me ok)
  8. PeRsOnAlItY! The following are some simple character traits that you can mix around till you’ve got the perfect combo: funny, kind, sweet, caring, understanding, loyal, pretty, handsome, brave, shy, outgoing, courageous, smart, clever, deadly, strong, passive, quiet, snappy, mean, happy, fast, stealthy, beautiful, sunny, nice, toxic, cruel, unfair, unjust, fair, just, ugly, ragged, dumb, stupid, cringy, evil, cold…
  9. Alr, now for ur oc’s BACKSTORY:)))))))) some examples are below for you to mix around. Abandon as a kit. Wandered away as a kit and was found by a diff/just a clan. Met a pretty she from a diff clan/just a clan/outside of clans. Met a handsome tom from a diff/just a clan/outside of clans. Was thrown out of clan for being half clan. Suffered some trauma (the good stuff like loosing ur m8/cat u cared alot about). Rose to deputy and to leader of clan. Joined a clan. Was in a prophecy. Got some magic cuz of Starclan and stuff. Destined to become medicine cat, (was happy about it). Destined to become medicine cat, (was angry about it). Got wounded badly and became medicine cat. Got wounded badly but rose above it to become a great warrior. Was kicked out of clan and taken in by another. Trained in the dark forest, became loyal to their cause. Trained in the dark forest but found out they were evil. Got badly wounded BECAUSE of trying to leave/training in the dark forest. Just an average warrior/rouge/kittypet. Etc etc
  10. OoOps did I say two more things back there? I meant four. Really short two more things. Clan and ranks. First clan.
  11. Rank
  12. Now. Finally. FINALLY. It is time to name your oc… prefixes first: Flower, Quiet, Moon, Oak, Bee, Bumble, Shell, Silver, Reed, Pine, Gorse, Cold, Frost, Puddle, Shiver, Quiet, Mouse, Rat, Squirrel, Bramble, Bracken, Echo, Raven, Tiger, Lion, Leopard, Snow, Moth, Hawk, Breeze, Cobra, Viper, Sun, Dandelion, Fish, Black, White, Mist, Misty, Moss, Mossy, Stone, Fire, Flame, Blaze, Slate, Fin, Slick, Sleek, Nettle, Needle, Thorn, Thistle, Raspberry, Marigold, Lavender, Wave, Ripple, Wood, Log, Blue, Quartz, Amethyst, Golden, Gold, Lunar, Maple, Leaf, Lemon, Orange, Sparrow, Finch, Fox, Wolf, Spider, Blossom, Dawn, Dusk, Shimmer, Silk, Spindle, Quiver, Petal, Snake, Acorn, Marble, Molted, Copper, Light, Bristle, Flip, Twig, Alder, Stoney, Rocky, Flicker, Night, Crow, Jay, Holly, Dove, Ivy, Cloud, Bright, Berry, Fang, these are just a few, and some can even be used as your suffix if you want! Onto suffixes!
  13. Suffixes: Claw, Dawn, Cloud, Light, Heart, Spot, Spots, Tail, Shine, Shade, Sight, Wind, Whisper, Stripe, Fall, Foot, Fur, Pelt, Tuft, Flight, Breeze, Smoke, Flower, Petal, Dusk, Dust, Frost, Wing, Runner, Ripple, Watcher, Stem, Leaf, Ear, Sky, Stream, Jaw, Muzzle, Wish, Hop, Leap, Pool, Feather, Nose, Berry, Stone, Pad, Scale, Storm, (I’m running out of ideas) Flash, Spark, Whisker, Moon, eye, toe, Fish, Fin, horn, Fang, Eyes, Fleck,
  14. Is ur cat FLUFFY
  15. This is all I have for you… may your OC please your standards and live to see many rp’s or fan fics.
  16. Oh one last thing; kits/mate
  17. Mate?
  18. Commen what you came up with! Put “TM” or “Copyright” at the top if you don’t want anyone to steal your oc. Bye

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