Warrior Cats Love Story 2! MoonSongs Kits! (LONG) She-cats!!

Do you remember MoonSong? This is about her daughter PoppyStar. In this quiz you will find your soulmate cat. This took me an entire day and I spent all my time doing this so I really hope it’s good enough for you!

Please answer honestly so the results can be correct. Have fun and a good day (or maybe night?) If I get a single comment I will make a third. Please enjoy!

Created by: MoonSlayer3162
  1. Your eyes flutter open to see a she-cat gazing down at you in wonder. You turn your head to see a black furred blue eyes Tom. “They’re perfect.” The she-cat purred as she groomed her kits affectionately. “They really are. PoppyKit and PetalKit. Our two perfect little daughters.” The Tom smiled as he rested on their other side. Poppy. That is your name. You shift to look at another she-cat kit. This was Petal. Your sister.
  2. *the next day* you and Petal sprint out of the nursery already running. The two of you giggle until you run into a group of three Toms. Tripping you fell strait into one of them while Petal skidded to a stop in front of the other two.“Ah! What is wrong w-“ Petal froze mid-scentence as she realized that they were boys, “Oh… sorry. I didn’t notice you… Poppy get up.” She mewed as she sat down in front of them. You shoved your face out of the curled ball you were in. Your tail was in the air your head on the ground. You looked like a wheel. Just…. Upside down. The Kit in front of you helped you upright as you shook the dirt off your fur you studied his orange and white fur. “Uh. Sorry.” You mumble as you shuffle your paws awkwardly. “You should’ve! Gah!!” The Tom growled repressing his anger. “Petal let’s go. I’m hungry.” You mew. But Petal is too busy staring at the Tom that had growled at Poppy. “I’m Poppy.” She purred, “what’s yours?” She asked sweetly. “Ugh. Girls. I’m SunKit. The leader’s son so don’t mess with me.” He growled as he stalked passed Petal giving you a glance as he left the other two Toms followed silently. “He is so cute. Don’t ya thing Poppy?” Petal…
  3. *a moon later*“Poppy. Get over here! There’s a clan meeting for those old enough to run and speak!” Petal cried from the other side of camp. You jolted awake of a nap. Your first meeting! Sprinting over the two of you trot to the clan rock where the leader is sitting looking deadly serious. What do you think is happening?
  4. “The Rouges and Loners have allied with the KittyPets. We captured a KittyPet. A former WindClan member too.” The leader yowled holding a Tom in her jaw. He wasn’t much older than you. “He has told us that this is true. But he ran away when he found out about the war they were plotting. He will be joking our clan. He is now known as CloudKit.” The Deputy announced padding up beside our leader. Several boos rippled through the cloud along with Petal’s voice.
  5. *moons later* You wake up in anticipation as you pace through the Apprentice Den with Petal at your side.CloudKit is quietly watching you two in a corner while SunKit is glaring at them. The four kits where going to be made apprentices. Petal was busy staring at SunKit while pacing alongside you. You are panicking. You want to be a Medicine Apprentice but HoneyDew was sick and couldn’t continue her job. Her apprentice SilverPaw would take over. She couldn’t have a sign about you yet. So you were going to most likely be a Warrior along with the other kits. “So Poppy. Are you excited to become PoppyPaw?” SunKit meows from the entrance. You freeze and nod silently. *later that day*The gathering has been called. The ceremony is about to begin as you see high rock.
  6. “Today we will be announcing six kits as apprentices. First off, SunKit, you are now SunPaw. Serve our clan well and train with HawkTail. CloudKit, you are now CloudPaw.Train and serve our clan well. You will train with RoseStreak.PetalKit, your new name is PetalPaw. You will train with HawkTail.” The leader announced proudly.Your mind blanked out of the voices and cheers as two more names that weren’t yours were called. It was your turn to be made an apprentice. “Lastly, PoppyKit.” But this voice was HoneyDew. Now the leader or deputy…
  7. “PoppyKit, your new name is PoppyPaw. You will train with me, HomeyDew. As a medicine apprentice. For StarClan delivered a Poppy and a vision. She will become a Medicine Apprentice.” HoneyDew meowed. This was it.
  8. It’s your first day of training! You head to the fresh kill pile. You find a small raccoon you decide to share or with?
  9. No matter who you choose after you eat you rush off to HoneyDew quietly. “Today is your first day of training. Let’s start with a quiz. SunPaw is sick with Greencough.
  10. After sorting and gathering herbs along with many many quizzes on what’s used for what you finally get finished with training you are exhausted.But CloudPaw invited you on a border patrol. You accept not wanting to hurt his feelings or maybe actually wanting too.Off on the border patrol CloudPaw and his mentor get pulled back to camp but you are told to continue the patrol alone.You continue walking until you see a brown furred Tom sitting on the fence. He was too skinny to be a clan cat or a kitty pet. He must be a rouge. Maybe a loner. “What are you doing so close to the border” The Tom asks with a smirk at the look of anger on your face. “Get off the border.” You snarl fiercely. You weren’t trained for this but you try anyways. “Gosh calm down.” The Tom mews as he looks at her in mainly amusement, “Your not a warrior. Not an apprentice either. Your a Medicine Cat apprentice. Aren’t you?” He asks?
  11. The Tom smirks even more and meows, “My names Venom. What’s yours?” He asks.
  12. “Hmm that’s not your name. Tell me your real name.” Venom said with a smile. “Fine. Maybe it’s not but why should I tell you?” You snarl back. “Okay. Getting feisty are we? So you wanna play that way? Okay. Game on.” Venom smirked as he leapt towards you and pinned you shoulders to the ground. Your stuck and can’t move. What do you do?
  13. No matter what you chose he stays on top of you. With a frown he brushed his tail over your mouth telling her to stay quiet. You find the spot where he is looking. A fox is stalking closer. Leading you to the trees you quietly crouch beside him. “Stay quiet. We’re downwind it shouldn’t smell us. Or see us. But it can hear us.” Venom warns as he keeps his tail around your mouth so you can’t make any noise at all.
  14. The fox left after a while and you were still crouched beside Venom when it left. Quietly he tasted the air and gave her the all clear and she crept into the clearing once again. With a sigh of relief you both sit down next to the fence still looking around cautiously. Venom is watching you curiously and when you glance his way he looks away.
  15. After a while you leave and continue on your border patrol until you spot a grey cat not too far away just on the other side of the border. What is your reaction?
  16. (IF YOU APPROACH THIS ONES YOURS)’ The Tom spots you quickly and cowers low fear, “W-what do you want from me? I’m just a Medicine Apprentice p-please don’t hurt me.” He whimpers quietly. “Hey relax. I’m a Medicine Apprentice too. I won’t hurt you. Maybe someday we’ll be trading herbs.” You meow softly with a gentle smile. “I uhh… I gotta go. Nice to meet you I’m GreyPaw… uh bye!” The Tom stammers as he sprints off towards his camp. Leaving you alone.You walk back thinking about?:
  17. You trot back to camp quietly thinking about (whoever you chose…)When you arrive at the camp CloudPaw is in the Medicine Den. He got attacked by a badger. His body was covered in scratches.
  18. No matter what your choice was you end up assisting. HoneyDew had already gotten the Poppy into CloudLaw’s system. “PoppyPaw, start chewing the Chevril into Poultice. Get SpiderWebs too.” HoneyDew orders as she brushes CloudPaw with her tail to help keep him calm. You mash up the Chevril and give it to HoneyDew who spreads it thickly and evenly. You bandage the wounds while your mentor gets some moss to get him water. After all that work you pad towards the apprentice den. That night you crash and dream about?:
  19. *a moon later*You stretch as you finish a small bird and head out to search for herbs. CloudPaw just left the Medicine Den and is finally better. But now the deputy has fallen I’ll with Greencough. HoneyDew is already getting him taken care of though. She told you to search for any herbs that you can find. You are trotting off to find the herbs. Where do you check?
  20. (IF YOU CHOSE TO MEET VENOM THESE NEXT TWO ARE FOR YOU!!!)You go to the border where you met Venom to see him sitting on the fence again looking up at the sky. But when he spots you he hops down and trots over. “Couldn’t resist seeing me again huh mystery cat?” Venom smirked, “You still need to tell me your name.” He purred. You sighed, “Fine. My name’s Poppy. You’re Venom. Happy now?” You meow with slight annoyance. “Good. Now you’re here looking for herbs aren’t you? GreenCough starting to sprout up in your clan too?” He asks looking more serious now. “Yes. If there’s anything. Please. We need just about anything. Especially, C-“ you are cut off. “CatMint. I know. Too much has started growing near the barn come on. We can’t lose more cats than we need to.” He meowed as he led you towards the barn at a sprint. Several other cats hissed at you and spat too. But Venom spat and hissed right back at them. “So where’s this CatMint? This place is unsettling.” You whisper just loud enough for Venom to hear you. “I know. C’mon it’s this way.” Venom said nervously.
  21. (ONLY FOR IF YOU CHOSE VENOM!) The sun starts to set making it pitch black outside and dangerous for you to be outside. “Maybe we should stay here for the night…” he suggest looking around worriedly. “Maybe…” you reply nervously. It’s too quiet for you so you lay down and rest your head and sleep for the night. When you wake up Venom is not too far away but not sleeping with you. When he noticed you are awake he nods a greeting and stretches. “Ready to head back to your camp?” He asks as he pass towards you. “Yep. Let’s get away from all these creepy loners….” You meow in return. Venom moss and the two of you reach the border and part ways. You return home with a mouthful of CatMint and a little Chevril and Poppy too.
  22. (THIS ONES FOR THOSE WHO CHOSE GREYPAW) “W-what are you doing here?” GreyPaw asks as he pass up to her not too far fromHis camp. “I- my clan needs help. GreenCough is sprouting in my clan and we need any herbs we can get. Is there any way you can help?” You meow desperately. GreyPaw nodded quickly, “Of course. Stay here I’ll be right back.” You wait for him and when he comes back he gives you a mouthful of Poppy and Chevril, “Sorry that we don’t have any CatMint for you. Take care.” He meows as you sprint back to your camp.
  23. (THIS ONE IS FOR IF YOU CHOSE THE FOREST) You sprint through the trees in a rush to get the herbs and help your tribe not noticing the scent of fox on the air as you run. Suddenly you are leaped at by a huge group of foxes. You yowl in pain and try to fight back but only when CloudPaw leaps in and fights them off are you safe. He helps you back to camp and into the Medicine Den where HoneyDew tends to you.
  24. (THIS ONES FOR THE RIVERSIDE OPTION) (I got kinda lazy on this one. Sorry! :() You are trotting down the riverside when you spot lots of Poppy and Dock leaves and moss! You sprint up and gather as much as you can hold and run back to camp proudly. HoneyDew will be so proud!
  25. You have been announced a full Medicine Cat. Your new name is PoppyStar. You don’t want to do this any longer though. You need a mate. Will you run away with GreyStorm or Venom? Or will you become a Warrior to be with CloudFang, SunStar, or SunFlame?Or will you stay a Medicine Cat and serve your clan alone?
  26. ( IF YOU CHOSE GREYSTORM THIS IS YOUR ENDING!!) You purr as you nuzzle against your mate and gently nudge your three kits awake. You chose the names:
  27. (IF YOU CHOSE SUNSTAR OR SUNFLAME THIS IS YOUR ENDING!!) You awake to the mid-day sun and lick you ten kits awake.
  28. (IF YOU CHOSE CLOUDFANG THOS IS YOUR ENDING!!) You wake up beside CloudFang and purr. Your two kits are perfect and you two raise them well to become wonderful Warriors. Their names are?:
  29. (IF YOY CHOSE YOURSELF THIS IS YOUR ENDINF!!) You wake up in your den. The Medicine Den. You are still friends with all the Toms but must remain alone to do your job. You have a new apprentice, a young Tom name TurtlePaw. You die after live many moons and are well known throughout your clan as a hero.
  30. (IF YOU CHOSE VENOM THIS IS YOUR ENDING!!) You purr as you wake up to find Venom resting beside you. Your one kit is curled up in between the two of you and is nursing again.Venom smiles at you. He still loves to tease but is gentle and kind with his little girl and his mate. Your Kits name is?:
  31. Bye and have a good day! Remember, one comment and I’ll make PoppyStar’s kits love story!

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