Warrior cats life quest

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Hi if this it is terrible I’m sorry but it’s not my fault because this is my first quiz I also want you to know that I left on a cliffhanger in this one but depending on how many people like it this will continue so you’re not on a cliffhanger next time

You are if you can this game and if you’re a boy I’m sorry and I suggest you don’t play it but I’m sorry I just didn’t get a continuing on because this is my first quizand I hope a lot of you guys like it

Created by: Cat
  1. You are an pale orange she-kit with dark ginger patches your mother names you Flarekit ,you’ve opened you eyes for the first time yo se an amber-orange pelt in front of you crooning you name softly “My dear I’m your mother Wishstorm would you like to play or sleep my darling little one” she she whispers breezily you think:
  2. You are now age 6 moons, “Flarepaw you now are going to be the apprentice of Appledust he mayY be deputy but he is loyal brave and compassionate” Thriftstar grunts, you say
  3. Cliff hanger
  4. You go hunting, what for.
  5. Your mentor is who(must answer without looking at the questions above)
  6. You are fighting an enemy, you think
  7. You won the fight, you
  8. You can now rest, you dream of
  9. Your clans main prey
  10. What are you training to become,

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