Vampire or Werewolf Which are you?

Have you ever wondered what side you would be on. Do you think you are more of a werewolf the dog man creature that hunts their pray, much like a wolf, or are you the shadow that follows those you wish to feed on like the Vampire, and then suck their blood out of their body.

So what do you think you are. Can you measure up to the ferociousness of the werewolf or the deceptiveness of the Vampire, when you take this test you will see which you are more like and maybe discover the dark side to your life.

Created by: Matthew
  1. Which controls you more?
  2. Which do you prefer a taste for?
  3. What do you travel in?
  4. Where do you live?
  5. Do you have?
  6. Are you?
  7. What do you hate more?
  8. You see a stranger at night and you?
  9. Some one tries to stop you from killing the stranger so you?
  10. Your best friend finds you while you are feeding what do you do?

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Quiz topic: Vampire or Werewolf Which am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Monsters Quiz category.