Ultimate: What WEDGIE should you get

This is the ULTIMATE wedgie quiz!!!! This is perfect if: you are at a friend's house, if this is just for fun, or if a jock is using it as a tool! Don't worry, there are plently of options for self-wedgie

if you have any good underwear brands, pls comment them. make sure they're stretchy. btw, please comment what you got and how the wedgie went :))))))))))

Created by: wedgie_slut
  1. How old are you?
  2. Are you male or female
  3. Do you like wedgies
  4. Do you give wedgies?
  5. Do you get wedgies
  6. What undies are you wearing now?
  7. What color are ur undies
  8. how stretchy are your undies
  9. What pants do you like / are wearing
  10. What wedgie do you want?
  11. How many wedgies have you gotten
  12. Who's giving you the wedgie????
  13. If you want to give urself the wedgie, and you don't want anyone seeing it, how long at home do you have in peace?
  14. Have you had a hanging wedgie before? How long?

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Quiz topic: Ultimate: What WEDGIE should I get

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