Ultimate Mythical Creature Role-playing Quiz!

Right, so i made this quiz for enjoyment. Its a role playing quiz where your answers greatly determine your result, thereby, the end of the story! Will you survive or die? The next paragraph is a summary of what the story is like. Enjoy, and remember, your answers greatly determine your end result so think carefully, specially for the 1st question! Please comment about what you think of this quiz!!!

You are the only child of a great king, one who ruled a land called the nevernever for almost 100 years. Now, he was old and close to his death. However, there was one chance of him ruling for another 100 years, and this is when he drinks the potion of youth, where he can live for another 100 years! Being his only child, you are sent on an important mission, one that will determine the death of your father and perharps yours too! You must survive the challenges, solve a riddle or 2 and bring back the potion of youth!!! Can you do it???

Created by: Kish
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First, before we move any further, you must choose your character below. The name and abilities is listed and remember, what you choose will greatly affect your result so choose wisely!
  2. You have been walking for 3 days, and finally the mountain of fire is in view. Nobody knows for sure why it is called the mountain of fire perharps because of the eerie reddish glow that surrounds the mountain. You were warned by the elders that this place was full of fire-loving creatures and whoever went near the mountain of fire never returned. Looking around keeping your senses alert, you move on until you come a across some items lying down. On a huge post, behind the items, it says Take 1, leave the rest. You were warned by the elders to do what those posts say. The items are: A ice sword, A fire shield, Flaming arrows and a bow, and A normal axe. What do you take?
  3. Whatever you decided to take, you took it and left. You walk for what seems like hours until you hear a tremendous roar behind you! At the back, travelling at full speed, was a huge fully grown dragon, a fire dragon it seemed. You look around, to your right is a wierd looking rope which seems strong enough to pull down a dragon. To your left is pile of rocks big enough to break even a giants head! What do you do?
  4. Whatever you decided, you succeded and carried on with your journey. You were getting closer to the mountain and soon enough you will be making your way to the top. You finally arrive at edge of the mountain when suddenly the ground starts to shake. It seemed that the soil beneath you was giving in! You were about to fall when you manage to grab a thick branch from a nearby tree and pull yourself up. But in the process, you drop your weapon(if you have any) Now it seems you will have to search for a new weapon. You walk around the foot of the mountain and come across an old house. You walk in. No one seems to be home. You catch a glimpse of a battle axe. It seems enchanted, judging from the way it glowed. This was probably the house of a witch/wizard. You grab the axe and prepare climb up the mountain. Suddenly, the ground shakes again. You look down. No, this time the ground is not opening, then whats happening. You look up. You see lava flowing down, faster than the fastest creature in the nevernever! You realise this was not a mountain but a volcano! What do you do?
  5. Whatever you decided, you survived. The lava clears up and you begin to climb up the mountain now a volcano. Half way up you realise its of no use. If this is a volcano then there is a crater up there and nothing more! However, you see a cave not faraway from where you are. You walk to the cave and find a sign sticking out near the entrance. The elders had said the potion of youth was in a cave, was it this one? You read the sign, it says, He who enters shall never see another day again. What do you do?
  6. Before you enter/leave, the ground begins to shake again! You look ahead, and see lava flowing down again. You quickly enter the cave to save yourself, for there was no other choice! The lava covers the entrance of the cave. Now you need to find another way out. You explore deeper into the cave. As you move, you hear the sound of laughter comming from a wierd room just up ahead. You walk quietly to the room and peek in. It seemed there was a group of soldiers, undead soldiers! They seemed to be playing some sort of game. One of the undead soldiers sees you, and they all get up. They number to roughly 15. You coudn't take on all of them. You look around. There's no where to run since the entrance was closed by lava. You look into the room. There, behind all of the undead soldiers was an exit! The only way out was fighting those soldiers. How do you fight them?
  7. Whatever you decide, you succeed! You managed to leave the cave. You look around. You seem to be on the other side of the volcano. The elders told you about this place. Its known as the valley of the dead! All the creatures related to death live here! Anyway, you keep walking. You walk for a while then come across a river which you have to cross. You look up ahead. There it was! The cave of youth, where the potion of youth lay, just a river away! You are about to cross when you see something sliding to your feet. You step back. Then you realise what it is, a giant water snake! You look around. No weapons this or anything useful this time. Its a fight till death!(choose a number from the ones below, if you are lucky, you may get a number with alot of points!) Choose a number.
  8. You succeed in fighting the snake. You cross the river and are about to enter the cave when you hear the sound of footsteps, plenty footsteps. You see a huge tree and hide behind it. Its the army of the dead! The army is full of dwarfs, ogres, sphinx and cyclops! The army enter the cave of youth, they seem to be guarding it! The last of the soldiers enter the cave. Its obvious that the cave was now full of soldiers, but you need the potion for your father! You enter the cave. The army had completely disappered! You realise there could be a secret entrance but where you can't tell. What do you do?
  9. You finally find the secret entrance! It was bigger than you thought. You keep walking until you find a statue of a young man. Behind him you see the potion of youth in a large room! You try pushing the statue but it doesn't work!"Answer my riddle and you shall pass" it says. You hastily accept. The riddle is: A man with a dragon walks into a cave on friday. He stays for 2 days and leaves on friday. How is this possible? (answer the riddle)
  10. After many trial and errors, you finally get the riddle correct! You enter the room and hurry to the potion of youth, then stop dead in your tracks. The whole army was in the room! It turned out this room was larger than you thought! The fact was that, you were surrounded by an entire army of dwarfs, ogres, cyclops and sphinx! They all pull out their swords. You are surrounded, no where to run, and the ultimate test had arrived. Will you survive this fight? Choose a number!!!

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