HIIIIIIIIIII this is my first quiz so please don't judge to harshly and leave suggestions for quiz ideas or how to benefit my quizzes in the comments!!!

So for the first ten questions there will be multiple choice and the last five will be yes or no questions. Good luck with the quiz!!! I need more letters adjcaedcbh.ajebhc

Created by: Maria
  1. What is one of the optional levels?
  2. What is the only boss that you can beat and there can be no blacksmith
  3. How many levels are there as of the Return To Castlevaina DLC, not including boss levels
  4. How many bosses are in the game including 5bc boss
  5. What are the servants names (click all three of them)
  6. What is the name of the kingdom in dead cells
  7. As of Return to Castlevaina what is the final boss level
  8. How many boss cells are there
  9. What are you as the main character
  10. Who made dead cells
  11. Was the main character ever married
  12. Are you revealed to be the queen
  13. Does the tailor have a daughter
  14. Are you dead
  15. Is the 5bc boss yourself (If you don't know just click skip and tell yourself you got 100 percent)
  16. This was my first quiz, did you like it?
  17. Should I make more?

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