tuc who are you

The underland chronicles are 5 books made by suzanne collins, these have expanded across five years (2003-2007) take this quiz to see who YOU are good luck!

Oh yes, by the way there 5 characters you can be: Vikus Gregor the Bane Ripred ares good luck and pls play my other quiz's bye for now oh ye dont forget to tell other people!

Created by: ioan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you had to fight ripred what would you do?
  2. what would you be?
  3. who would you bond with?
  4. are you a rodent or mammal?
  5. what would you do if you were confronted by mites on a far away island?
  6. which species would you wipe out if you had to?
  7. which character do you like the best
  8. who do you think as a friend
  9. (random question no effect) which of these answers did you like the most
  10. do you want me to do more
  11. how many books would you like to be in?

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Quiz topic: Tuc who am I