True or false? False or true?

This quiz gives true or false questions. It's a good quiz I worked SSSSSUUUUPPPEERRR hard on. Thanks for clicking! Also remember more: try your best. Share what you got and the link.

Can you prove too me your a true smart mind? Let's just see! You know what you would say too me. SAY IT! Not the other answer! Good luck, GIRL/MAN! 🐿

Created by: AnimalAveril

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. True or false: there is over 2,000 birds in the largest tree on earth.
  2. False or true: there would be below 40 animals left in the wild if people didn't decide to be vegan.
  3. True or false: I'm a boy
  4. False or true: I'm running out of idea's already
  5. True or false: i have the best parents ever!
  6. False or true: my last name starts with a T.
  7. True or false: my name starts with a J.
  8. False or true: I'm awesome.
  9. False or true: NYAN CAT IS SO FUN!
  10. False or true: my middle name starts with a "I" for eather Iggy or Isabel.

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