
Alright, if you're reading this then you've seen Avatar: the last airbender, on nickelodean. It also means that you agree with me and think that it's an awesome show, am I right?

But who are you most similar too? Maybe you're Zuko, or Katara, or Aang, who knows? Maybe you'll just have to try and find out by taking this quiz! Come know you want to.

Created by: Kat

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favourite element?
  2. Why is it your favourite element?
  3. What is your favourite colour?
  4. What is your favourite GROUP?
  5. Which three words best desribe you?
  6. If you were a bender, which element would you bend?
  7. In a battle, which weapons(s) would you use?
  8. Which words best describe your fighting style?
  9. Alright, now some RPing...You find an injured animal in the woods, what do you do?
  10. You’re ambushed by the fire nation and you’re a wanted fugitive, what do you do?
  11. You are surrounded completely, and your best friend has a knife at his/her throat and unless you give yourself in they'll kill him/her. What do you do?
  12. Same situation as the last, only it's a close family member now.
  13. Do you have a short-fuse?
  14. The Firlord has captured you, and he's decided that you'll be executed. What are your last words?
  15. You're in prison, and you've just blasted a big hole in the wall so you and your friends can escape, but the soldiers are coming, and one of you has to stay behind to hold them off, who do you choose?
  16. Okay, last question, who do you THINK you are?

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