Three Days Grace Songs. Which one are you?

Three Days Grace is my favorite band. They sing about hard things, easy things, angry, and more. Every song was wrotten by than and, directly sung. Each song, has a theme and each can pop out at you other won't. Which song will you be?

There are fur song that I chose. Let it Die, Get out alive, Pain, and Riot. Each song is so diffrent but is the same. (Btw Get out Alive is spelled wrong because I had to hurry for a second.) So enjoy my quiz. Comment and rate.

Created by: threedaysgrace
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you heard of this band Three Days Grace?
  2. How do you feel sometimes, or alot of the time.
  3. Have you ever wanted to change something with lots of people. Just to revolt?
  4. Have you ever wanted to change something with lots of people. Just to revolt?
  5. Have you ever wanted to change something with lots of people. Just to revolt?
  6. Have you ever felt that you love someone then they broke up with you?
  7. Have you ever been stuck some where, can be physical or mental?
  8. Have you ever had an ex keep comeing back to you even though your not intressted in them?
  9. When you get you results do you think you may look up this band?
  10. Are you ready to see what you got?

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Quiz topic: Three Days Grace Songs. Which one am I?