Thousand Splendid Suns Quiz

Did you really read the book? If you did, take this quiz to know how much you trully read. A Thousand Splendid Suns, is a great book! I hope you took time to read it!

A Thousand Splendid suns relates to the book of Kite Runner but influenced by how the woman are treated. The author stressed on how mistreated peole where on both men and woman pointof view.

Created by: Diana Espinoza
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Why is Mariam called a Harami?
  2. What was Mariam's reaction to Jalil not picking her up to see Pinocchio?
  3. When Mariam was married off to Rasheed what was her reaction to her father?
  4. What did Abdul Sharif tell Laila about Tariq?
  5. Why did Laila agree to marry Rasheed?
  6. What brought Laila and Mariam together?
  7. Why did Laila and Mariam need a man to act as their relative when they ran away?
  8. How did Rasheed punish them when they tried to escape him?
  9. How did Mariam, Aziza, and Laila get caught?
  10. When Laila found out she was pregnant for the second time, what was her reaction?

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