Theriotype quiz!

So this is it. A theriotype quiz. Yet dont. Unless ur a therian. not 100 % accurate. Honestly this will be random cuz skibidi ohioYea so lol. Idk . Sweet home alabama sandwich. I love it so much! SO MUCH!! Like bruhhThank you! Have a good day cuz ur a therian or not sweet home alabama Thank Thank Thank uuu have a amazing wonderfull ddaayyy

Yea so lol. Idk . Sweet home alabama sandwich. I love it so much! SO MUCH!!So this is it. A theriotype quiz. Yet dont. Unless ur a therian. not 100 % acc Honestly this will be random cuz skibidi ohioThank you! Have a good day cuz ur a therian or not sweet home alabama Thank Thank Thank uuu have a amazing wonderfull ddaayyy

Created by: kjkjk
  1. Where do you think you belong
  2. What happens when u get mad?
  3. Are you territorial?
  4. Do you like being in a group
  5. Which do u want the most?
  6. Gimme a rating
  7. What do u do when ur happy?
  8. idk
  9. So, tottaly unrelated ik
  10. BYE

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