The Ultimate Wolf Quiz

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You are going to find out your true personality as a wolf. Color, power, rank, pack. That's all there is to it. Detailed and accurate, this quiz will hold all you wanted it to have. None of the results are only boy or girl. They're both! Wolves, beware of the human being.

All you wanted has been placed in this quiz. But don't be tempted, or you'll might not get the result you want. Wolves are one of my best and favorite report animal, and I hope they are yours too. May the wolf be with you!

Created by: WolfHeart
  1. First of all, what is your best quality?
  2. What is your worst flaw?
  3. Do you ever feel sad or tormented?
  4. What Rank do you prefer?
  5. What element do you prefer?
  6. What pack do you want to be in?
  7. What do you like to do most?
  8. What is your greatest desire?
  9. Of all wolves, what is your favorite type of wolf?
  10. What is something you usually dream of? (night)
  11. Thank you for taking this quiz. The answers contain your Rank Power Lifespan Looks and Life. Did you like this quiz?

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