The Ultimate Knowledge Quiz

If you want to test your knowledge,this quiz is made just for you! Flex your brain muscles and give it a try! Who knows? Maybe you are more knowledgeable then you thought you were!

This quiz has 16 questions selected from various genres from history to science,from flags to music,this quiz has it all. Hope you guys enjoy it! All the Best!

Created by: Aairo Smiktor
  1. Which of these toxins is present in a pufferfish's body?
  2. Which one of the following animated TV shows evolved from shorts premiering on 'The Tracy Ullman Show'
  3. A deck of cards has 4 suits-clubs,diamonds,spades,hearts.This classification is-
  4. Which basketball team was originally based in Minneapolis,USA?
  5. What is the name of the little curved space between the nose and the upper lip?
  6. Which is the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet?
  7. A group of crows is known as 'a ... of crows'
  8. Which of the following country's national flag has the least amount of stars?
  9. Hitler was initially a-
  10. Which one of the following is a natural element?
  11. Toilet paper was first used in-
  12. The inventor of the Analytical Engine was-
  13. Jay Z's real surname is-
  14. Which of the following language can not be classified into a definite language family?
  15. Which film has been branded as the scariest film of all time?
  16. What is the name of the holy book of Islam?

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