The Ultimate Gaming Quiz

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Hi! this quiz is created by T h e B e s t G a m e r. I am going to explain to you, what you have to do. There are 12 questions. 3 or 4 options will be given and you have choose correct answer. Good luck!

Oh and tell me....which gaming console is your favorite, cuz mine is PS5 because it is very cool and modern, Also Good luck for the quiz, wait.... did I said that already? Bye!

Created by: Khizar Obaid
  1. What is The best and long-selling game console?( Hint: The most expensive and best next-gen console)
  2. Which gaming console can be used to play while travelling?( Hint: The long-lasting SNES franchise)
  3. Which gaming console sold 155 million units?(Hint: The all-time favorite second generation of the best gaming console)
  4. Which console created the Playstation and Xbox Series X(Hint: The best TV company and Bill gates' company)
  5. Which gaming console has games like: Forza Horizon 5, Halo Infinite, Minecraft? (Hint: The console which was created by Microsoft)
  6. Which gaming consoles have the next-gen version of the original ones: Playstation, SNES, Xbox, Atari 2600(Hint: No hint :/)
  7. What was the battle between Sega's Sonic The Hedgehog & Nintendo's Mario known as ( The ___ Wars)
  8. Which of the following game consoles had the game "Pong"? (Hint: The second-oldest video game console)
  9. What gaming console includes the games like: Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Demon’s Souls, and Godfall?
  10. What gaming console has the games: Super Mario Odyssey, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

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